Assisted Instrument Purchase Scheme
This is a government scheme where you can purchase musical instruments without paying the VAT. Who wouldn’t want that?!
How It Works
Check with your school or academy that they will assist you with the Scheme
Decide what you want to purchase with us and then provide our quote to the school along with your payment to them
The school will then request the goods from us with an official order
Goods will be dispatched to the school for your collection from them
The goods will belong to you, not the school. They are just assisting with the purchase.
The Purchase Must Fit The Criteria
The student must be in full time education and be receiving music tuition at school
Students can not attend a private or fee paying school
Goods must be brand new to qualify as there is no VAT included in the price of used gear
The instrument must be portable
Goods must be collected from the school and not our store